yoga classes and workshops from yoga biddy isle of wight

Yoga Classes

We continue with classes in East Cowes on Monday evening (7.30 – 9pm) and Thursday mornings (10-11.30).  Beginners are always welcome and there is no booking or prepayment system.  The group will be there with a few execeptions every week, there will always be room.  Each class costs £5 payable at the time.  I have…

yoga classes and workshops from yoga biddy isle of wight

Yoga Biddy Classes

If you are interested in trying yoga, especially if you have never tried it before come and give it a go. Monday Evening class begins at 7.30pm and finishes at 9pm. Thursday Morning class begins at 10am and finishes at 11.30am and there is tea and biscuits if you have the time for a chat…